Jericho Beach
This afternoon, I got to go for a walk on my other favorite beach (if that makes any sense at all) at Jericho Park. We live less than 10 mins away from this park, but I don't come here as often as I would like to for reasons you will see later on...
Jericho Park is located in Point Grey in the Westend. Known for its naturally sandy beaches this park combines high activity choices with naturally treed copses and ponds. It features:
- On the Seaside Seawall system
- Concession (east section of beach)
- Washroom
- Play fields
- Tennis Courts
- Picnic tables
- Vancouver Youth Hostel
- Jericho Sailing Centre
- Lifeguarded Victoria Day (late May) to Labour Day (early September)
The park is divided into two main parts, the Jericho Park East and Jericho Park West.
We parked on the East side, and made our way towards the Jericho Sailing Center which is located on the West side of the park. Here are pictures of Jericho Beach:
Technically, dogs are not permitted on the beach at all, year round. (one reason why I don't come here often) However, since there were barely anybody there today, mum decided it was ok for me to frolic on the sandy beach.

Then I met a guy, who seemed like a gentleman at first..........
He wanted my ball, he asked nicely for it, and I answered in a very typical Sunshade fashion:
He took the rejection well, and came back with a sweet plan (at least that's what it seemed at the time)...
I really love my ball, but FOOOOOOD?? So I decided to play it cool and ask what was on my mind in a subtle way............
BUT...I got the answer I hadn't expect in a million years, so I kinda lost my edge a little....
I was in heaven, I thought he was the perfect gentleman and deserved to borrow my ball for a little bit.

After he was done playing with MY ball, he whispered something in my ear.......

He told me what his interpretation of "rack of lamb" was. Apparently his mama told him that his Lamb & Rice kibble was made from rack of lamb!!! Can you believe this guy?? He obviously knew those two weren't the same thing, but he still lied!! He even tried to sugarcoat his lie by saying "it comes with rice!!".
This was my reaction when I heard his lame excuse,
I swear he almost looked yummy enough for me to eat him right there! Fortunately, my very quick thinking mum told me about the duck meat I had waiting for me at home, and that kinda took my mind off the idiot..
So mum and I continued our walk along the path,
We walked to the concrete pier which once served military planes when the park belonged to the Department of National Defense.
Mum said the pier was an excellent place to get a wonderful scenic view of the city and of the passing harbor traffic. So she started snapping away photos, thank doG not at me!!
View of downtown Vancouver:
View of Stanley Park and the north shore mountains:
View of West Vancouver (where all the RICH people live....)
Finally, mum was satisfied and we moved on, to the Jericho Sailing Center - the one place that made this park above the rest!!

First I did a little bit of swimming off the boat launch in front of the sailing club.
However, the water was too freezing cold for me to stay in long. So I moved inside the Sailing Center, to do the one thing that I'd been looking forward to since my arrival at the park....
to HUNT!!
Hunt WHAT??
Hunt THESE!!
Shhh....don't tell Georgie ...
These bunnies are not wild bunnies. They are in fact descendents of the un-wanted, pet store bought bunnies dumped here by their irresponsible owners. Of course, they don't come spayed or neutered, and the next thing we know, the entire park is taken over by bunnies!! We only saw a few today, but during the warmer months, there are hundreds of them roaming the entire park, including the Sailing Center.
This is the main reason why we don't come here often. Mum says the fast running, sudden stop/turn are really really bad for my bad elbow . However, mum does realize that is it just as important to keep me healthy mentally as it is physically, so we come here from time to time.
People at the Sailing Center hate these rabbits because they chew up the boats, dig up the grass, and poop everywhere. There is one man who brings his Jack Russell Terrier there on a regular basis because the JRT is apparently very efficient......hehe.
After spending a solid hour rabbit hunting in the Sailing Center, I decided it was time to survey the black berry bushes for more bunnies!!
I did have to patrol the perimeter of the Sailing Center just to be sure though.....
DANG! This guy snuck out after I left!!
Onto the new territory - the black berry bushes
Come out come out wherever you are.....
AH HA! I see you guys....
Gooood bunnies.......keep eating.....
And this video basically tells you what ended up happening with each of my hunt attempt:
Note: bad lighting...
Notice how dark it got? This is another reason why mum doesn't take me here often... Everytime we come, we are here for at least 3 hours due to my hunting.
Here are a few other shots taken from today!
Overall, I think I'm a pretty lucky girl to have Kits Beach 10 mins away to the east of me, and Jericho Beach 10 minutes away to the west of me!
Hey Sunny,
Those are some awesome beaches with great views. Mom says it is beautiful and she wishes she could move there.
Fanny pushed me out of the way when I was watching your hunting video. She thinks she is a great hunter. She may be, she did have to feed herself and her puppies for the first view years of her life. Now she just concentrates on chasing kitties. Mom hates that.
If I had been there I would have taken that ball stealer OUT! grerrrrr
sunshade, wow, you really love hunting so much.
i can't believe that so called "gentleman" would lie to you just for a ball! his mama should lock him up and not allow him out to play anymore! *lol*
licky wet wet licks
Too bad you and I live so far apart. I could steer those bunnies right to you. How great would that be, huh?! I'm very proud of you for never giving up! You sure have the most beautiful places to play! You have a great weekend too Sunshade!!
Your pal,
Hi Sunshade,
Wow, such another beautiful place to play & romp. We love some of those photos of you in the sand. You need to get Barbara to paint those for you!
We thought those bunnies looked a little suspicious to be wild wabbits! JRT's are good for hunting bunnies! Although Mama thinks bunnies are cute, they are a nuisance. We get very few bunnies here cause our Herky Hawk takes care of them, hehehehe! When you hunt bunnies, look for wittle holes that they can crawl into. That is where they will be hiding out, hehehe! BTW, thanks so much for nominating us in the DWB Awesome Blog Award contest!
Luv & Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
Hi Sunshade, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog and viewing the wonderful pictures and movies that your Mom takes on your adventures together. You are a very beautiful girl!
Miss Sunshade,
You need to watch out for those smooth-talking strangers on the beach. You never know their real intentions (like stealing your ball!)
You're so lucky to live close to the beach, and have a mom that's willing to take you there a lot. Mom and I enjoyed your pictures of the scenery too!
You sure are a good hunter! We have rabbits here in arizona but their ears are as tall as me and they are FAST. I just usually yell at them a lot!
I hope that jerkk gave your ball back, Sunny! I would never lie about food like that!!
- Charlie
Wow, a lot of great pictures! Look liked you had a great time on the beach!!
By the way; stupid thing that dogs are not allowed on many beaches. Are the humans better than us..?
Keep on barking!
Great pictures .. my guys also love going to Jericho Beach.. I didn't know you were aloud to go and see the rabbits??? we always look at them from the fence.. next time i will go in there with the dogs soo they can have some fun !!!!!!! Sunshade your one lucky pooch
Hey Hello there Miss Sunshade! What great pictures! You live in a very beautiful part of the world, you lucky girl. We are impressed with the wonderful views, and of course your pictures as well! Love and Licks from Marvin The Dog ;0)
Hey Sunshade, I liked your first answer to the doggie who tried to play your ball. Haa. You shouldn't let him scam you with the rack of lamb thingy.
Love your happy face pic on the beach. :)
~ fufu
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